Andreea Ion CojoCaru is a licensed architect, software developer, and creative director. She is the co-founder of Numena, an award-winning German company. Andreea works at the intersection of traditional architecture and immersive technologies to develop projects that require a new approach to cognitive and spatial challenges. She is the recipient of numerous fellowships and is a frequent guest speaker at international events in the creative technologies space, including SXSW, the Architectural Association in London, the UW Reality Lab, Cornell Tech, and several episodes of the Voices of VR.

Formally trained as an architect at MIT and Yale University, she was awarded the AIA Gold Medal for best graduating master student by the American Institute of Architects. Andreea believes that by expanding the possibilities and affordances of spatial experience, we are expanding and redefining identity, subjectivity and modes of collective being. Currently, she uses virtual and augmented reality to explore models for collective agency and multisensorial approaches to storytelling. You can find a selection of her talks at