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Valentina Noya works as project manager for the National Cinema Museum Association in Turin and is the director of the LiberAzioni festival – art inside and outside the prison.

Valentina earned a degree in Storytelling and Film Screenwriting Techniques at Scuola Holden in Turin and has a BA in International Relations, an MA in Development, Environment and Cooperation, and an MA of cultural project management: the CRPC XX of Fondazione Fitzcarraldo.

She has lived in Madrid and Paris. She loves the visions and the visuals that she puts into practice as a participatory social research method through Agave. Agency of video empowerment with the participatory video process developed by InsightShare, Oxford. On October 18, 2020 she participated in the Monza International PV festival with a speech on participatory video projects developed in Piedmont.

She has collaborated with local and non-profit organizations and NGOs on several European projects focusing on health, migration, gender, and space relations.

Her photovoice project in Central America featured children, teenagers and young people reflecting on memory and intergenerational divide in the Santa Marta community where she was an observer for the VI International Court of Restorative Justice in El Salvador, working with local psychologists and the IDHUCA (Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la UCA and the Washington Human Rights Center).

She also based a TEDx talk: Self-empowering visual methods | Valentina Noya | TEDxCrocetta on this experience.