These are the 15 selected projects invited to the first Biennale College - Cinema workshop.
The selection covers several nations and continents: you will travel from North America to South Europe, from South America to the Middle East, from Africa to South Europe, through Asia. The 15 teams of directors and producers are working with an Academic Team formed of international and italian professionals and experts. The purpose is to discuss all aspects of the projects and share experiences about low budget filmmaking, giving and receiving feedback directly from tutors and other teams. Click on a single image to enter a specific project area, to discover every detail and update about it.
Director: Tomer Bahat
Producer: Rotem Faran
Director: Lluís Galter Sánchez
Producer: Sergi Moreno
Director: Dan Smyth
Producer: Marcie Maclellan
Director: Shireen Seno
Producer: John Torres
Director: Tim Sutton
Producer: John Baker
Director: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
Producer: Aditya Assarat
Director: Mich'ael Zupraner
Producer: Naama Pyritz
Director: Vatche Boulghourjian
Producer: Caroline Oliveira
Director: Joâo Paulo Cuenca
Producer: Marina Meliande
Director: Yves Montand Niyongabo
Producer: Lee Isaac Chung
Director: Kim Spurlock
Producer: Mai Spurlock
Director: Jenna Cato Bass
Producer: David Horler
Director: Rowland Jobson
Producer: Alastair Clark
Director: Alessio Fava
Producer: Massimiliano Chicco
Director: Kasem Kharsa
Producer: Moustafa Zakaria