Biennale College – Cinema
What types of projects are eligible for funding?
It can be a feature film, animation, documentary or transmedia and all genres are eligible. The projects should explore the feature-length form. – Short audio-visual projects are not acceptable.
Who can apply?
Applications are welcome from filmmakers from all over the world. But you must apply in a team of a director (first or second feature) and a producer.
What are the required qualifications for a director to be able to apply?
Directors must have some experience and some work to show, but we are very flexible in what this work should be: short films, music video, commercials, feature length films, documentaries, TV or web series…
What are the required qualifications for a producer?
Producers must have produced at least three short audio-visual works, or at least one feature film or documentary. Since the College is centred on the team of Director and Producer, the producer must prove to be able to take responsibility for the project from the initial phase up to delivery.
We are co-directors – can we apply?
Yes, you may apply as co-directors, provided that you cover the expenses of the third person during the workshops if the project is selected.
I don’t have a producer attached. Can I still apply?
No. The project must have both a director and producer attached. If selected, both director and producer must be present during the workshops.
Can an independent producer apply, associating himself with an established production company?
Yes, an independent producer can apply provided he can demonstrate the required qualifications. It is essential that the director and producer team can prove, in their application, that they can take responsibility for the project.
Can an association with a track record of productions apply?
There could be associations and/or institutions that have a production arm, and they can apply, but they must designate a person as producer that will follow the projects during the whole process including workshops
I am a producer/writer with a project, but no director is attached yet. Can I apply?
No – the application must include a director and a producer
Can the same person apply both as director and as producer?
No, you must apply in teams of two distinct persons: one director and one producer.
Can I apply as producer also if I just have distributed films in the past?
No, you must proven experience in producing.
I work with two producers. They are a producing team, working together. Can we still apply?
You must choose the producer that will follow your project through the whole process – the participation is admitted only in teams of 2.
Do you accept writers as part of the team?
The first workshop is intended for the team of director and producer only. Writers are welcome to attend but the costs of their attendance must be covered by the project team. The costs include travel, accommodation and food.
I am an actor – can I apply to Biennale College – Cinema?
No, only director and producer teams can apply
Can the same team apply with more than one project?
No, each team can apply with only one project.
Can the same production company present more than one team?
Yes, provided that the individual producer and the director that make each team apply only once.
I was selected for the Biennale first workshop in 2012 or 2013; can I apply again?
No filmmakers can only participate once for the Biennale College – Cinema..
I have applied to the Biennale College – Cinema in 2012 or 2013 but my application was rejected; can I apply again?
Yes you can apply again but you must apply with a new project. The Biennale College – Cinema will only consider a project once.
I have attended a development programme with this project; am I still eligible to apply?
Yes you can apply but you should be aware that the Biennale College – Cinema prefers new projects and not ones that have already attended various development programmes.
I have attended a co-production market with this project; am I still eligible to apply?
Yes you can apply but you should be aware that the Biennale College – Cinema prefers new projects and not ones that have already had extensive exposure on the Festival/market circuits.
When is the submission deadline for the Biennale College – Cinema?
The deadline is July 1st 2014
How can I send my application?
You must upload your application directly from the Biennale website once you have registered here: Register section
Can I send the application by post?
No, the application has to be uploaded online following the instructions in the application form.
Does the application have to be in English?
Yes, the application must be in English. And all the application materials must be in English too including examples of previous work, which ideally should be subtitled in English. Please note that the workshops will be held in English.
Does the Biennale College – Cinema have a theme?
No – applicants are welcome to apply with any subject matter.
Can I apply with a project that already has development or production finance attached?
No – one of the aims of the project is to explore what can be achieved with a budget of 150,000 Euros and that includes development.
Can I get feedback on a project before I apply?
No – we are also working to a limited budget and there aren’t any staff allocated to this service.
What needs to be included in the total budget?
You can find a model budget on the website which details what costs can be included.
Is VAT cost included in the allocated budget of € 150,000?
Yes, if VAT represents a cost.
Can I raise extra production finance? Can the project already have some financing secured?
No – all the projects must be made for the budget of 150,000 Euros – raising extra money can cost time, which the schedule does not allow for.
Can I send a script?
No – all applicants must send a synopsis and a treatment. If your application is successful you will be requested to submit a detailed step outline in advance of the first workshop in October 2014. Following the first workshop all project teams will be required to submit a full draft script and updated production documents for consideration in the selection of the final 3 projects.
Will Biennale College – Cinema solicit applications?
The Biennale College may seek specific applications to help achieve its aims and objectives. These applications will be assessed in the same way as any other and are not guaranteed funding.
Can I include support material?
Directors are asked to provide a maximum of 2 previous works. Full versions of the work should be submitted. Edited show reels will not be accepted.
Can the budget of my project be less than € 150,000?
What is the ‘rights clearance’?
The rights clearance demonstrates to the Biennale that the team has cleared all rights and that the team is officially entitled to use the script for an audio-visual project. If the project involves other professionals, these must be taken into account by the team while presenting the application and their contributions must be included in the budget of 150.000€ if needed. If selected, the team will sign a contractual agreement with La Biennale.
What is the ‘Video-Presentation’ by the director? Do you have specific requirements or is this open for each director to decide how to do it?
It is a video message from the director. This video should give an idea of who the director is, and how he/she intends to work. It is open for each director to decide how to do it
What is the ‘Director’s Vision’?
It is the explanation of the visual and artistic universe of your project:
You can use different ways of expressing these ideas – mood board, a project book (few pages of a storyboard, a colour script, a series of drawings or photographs) or by a video (max 3 minutes), which visually complements the written concept and describes the project through images.
What is an Audience Engagement Plan?
This is a text related to interesting ways of cultivating audience awareness. It explains how you intend to attract an audience, also if it is a niche audience.
What is a treatment?
A treatment is generally longer and more detailed than a synopsis and it may include details of directorial style. A treatment often reads like a short story: it’s the full story of the film in its simplest form without dialogue.
Do the proposed projects need to be able to be filmed in Europe?
No, projects can be filmed anywhere.
Would it be possible to submit the budget in American dollars as long as the total is equivalent to 150,000 Euros?
No, the budget must be in Euros following the budget template in the application form.
I am unable to upload my files. Why is that?
If the problem persists please contact us by email
Can I send you DVD’s of my work or it is obligatory to also upload the movies on line and provide you the link?
It is necessary to also upload everything on- line. Please use Vimeo to upload films and provide the link and password.
Is it possible to send NTSC DVDs along with my on-line application?
No – you must upload everything on- line. Please use Vimeo to upload films and provide the link and password.
What are the criteria for selection?
Most important for the selection committee is the artistic quality of an application. We also look closely at the viability of a project to be produced within the limited time frame and budget and the ability/experience of the team. The Biennale College – Cinema has no rigid rules and each individual project will be judged on its own merits.
When will I be notified if my project has been selected?
We will announce the selection at the end of August 2014 and will contact each successful applicant individually.
If my project is selected do I have to take part in the workshops? What are the time commitments?
Yes – it is important to be aware that the Biennale College – Cinema is a college and not a fund which means that all successful candidates will have to make a commitment to attend and contribute to all required events and deadlines. The first workshop will be held in Venice from the 4 – 13 October 2014. Following the 1st workshop all participating teams will be asked to deliver a full draft script and revised production schedule and budget by 13th November 2014. At this point the Biennale will select the three projects for support. The three selected project teams will be required to attend an intensive 4 day development workshop 3 – 6 December 2014 in Venice and then submit a new draft of the script, a production budgets and schedules by January 2nd 2015. The third and final 5 day workshop 10 – 14 January 2014 will focus on pre-production.
Does the film have to be completed by the Festival in August 2015?
Yes the successful 3 projects must be completed for screening in August 2015.
What is the contractual agreement with Biennale College – Cinema? Does the Biennale receive the rights for the project when completed?
The producer and director own the rights, but the film will have its world premiere in Venice and will be screened online during the Venice Film Festival. Once selected, the 12 teams will sign a document with Biennale that will specify all details.
If my project is selected as one of the final 3 projects when will I receive the funding?
The funding will be given in different steps, according to the project’s production and post-production schedule agreed during the final workshop.
What should be the minimum length to be considered for the project?
Completed audio-visual works must be 60 minutes long or more.
Once the project is completed, in what format should it be presented to Biennale? Does it have to be film?
The audio-visual works must be in DCP format, with English subtitles for all films unless they are in the English language in which case they will be required to provide an Italian subtitled copy. .
Can I receive feedback on my application if it is unsuccessful?
No – the Biennale College – Cinema will not enter into any discussion concerning individual projects.