by Rania Attieh, Daniel Garcia – USA, Argentina, 93′
with Robin Bartlett, Rebecca Dayan, Will Janowitz, Julian Gamble.
Full synopsis:
H. is a modern interpretation of a classic Greek tragedy in which two women, each named Helen, live out their mirrored lives of one another in the town of Troy, NY.
The first Helen is in her 60s, lives with her husband Roy, and takes care of a small, extremely lifelike baby doll called a “Reborn Doll,” which she cares for as a living baby.
The second Helen is in her 30s, has a successful art career with her partner Alex, and is four months pregnant.
One night, something falls out of the sky and explodes over the town. In the aftermath of this event, bizarre and unexplainable things begin to happen.
Many people in the town go missing—Helen’s husband being one of them—and unnatural cloud formations begin appearing in the sky.
Meanwhile, the two Helen’s find themselves, and their lives spinning out of control.
Directors’ Statement:
H. is about change. But more importantly it’s about being changed by grander forces outside of one’s own control. This is one of the hallmarks of “the Tragedy,” and this is ultimately what we feel H. is—a modern Tragedy, and one that flirts with the conventions and mutterings of science fiction. But what do tragedies prepare us for? What do they warn us of? With H., we aimed to have our characters exist simply as players on a proverbial stage, each unknowingly waiting for their eventual, and inevitable brush with change, each equally unable to avoid their fate.
Screenings Schedule:
Thursday Aug 28, 11.30am, press – industry (Sala Casinò)
Thursday Aug 28, 5.30pm, public – all accreditations (Sala Casinò) World Premiere
Friday Aug 29, 7.45pm, all accreditations (Sala Casinò)
Saturday Aug 30, 5.30pm, all accreditations (Sala Perla 2)
Thursday Aug 28, 9pm, streaming in the Sala Web: Info & tickets