Director: Zsófia Szilágyi
Production: Poste Restante (Dóra Csernátony, Lili Horvát)
Cast: Csenge Jóvári, Zsuzsanna Konrád, Edit Vlahovics, Kornél Balla, Viola Béres, Márton Pallag, Csaba Antal D., Erika Molnár, Ferenc Borbiczki, László Göndör, József Kolcsár, László Méhes, Erika Nádasy, Péter Bognár, Zsolt Dér
Hungary, 2024, 87’
Január 2 is a micro-realist story about a separation, from the perspective of the wife’s best friend. Klára moves out from her husband and her friend, Ági, helps her. They make a total of seven turns by car. Although they take the same route there and back every time, each round is different.