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Born in La Plata in 1981, Citarella graduated as a film director from the Universidad del Cine in 2004. Since 2005 she has been part of the El Pampero Cine production company, along with Mariano Llinás, Alejo Moguillansky and Agustín Mendilaharzu. In 2006 Citarella won the Historias Breves 5 contest organised by the Argentine National Film Institute (INCAA) and in 2007 filmed the short Three Together, which participated at various festivals and was released commercially in Argentina in 2008. Citarella has made her name as a major producer in Argentine independent film. Her production work includes Mariano Llinás’s Extraordinary Stories (a feat that earned those involved, wittingly or otherwise, their place in Argentine film history). She has also produced her associates’ films, including Alejo Moguillansky’s Castro (2009) and The Parrot and the Swan (2013). In 2009 she was selected to participate in the Talent Campus as part of the Berlin Film Festival and in 2010 started writing what would be her first feature film, Ostende. Ostende premiered in the Argentine competition at the Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival (BAFICI) in 2011, earning a special mention from the Association of Argentine Film Writers. The film was also taken to various festivals, including SANFIC 2011, Festival Internacional de Villa de Leyva (Colombia), London Film Festival, Viennale and the Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Roma. Citarella is currently producing the film The Flower directed by her associate Mariano Llinás, who in turn produces Citarella’s films as a director. She is also developing the project The Lady with the Dogs, which she will co-­‐direct with Verónica Llinás, who also acts in the film, with a view to finishing in 2013/2014. Citarella is also responsible for the Thesis Workshop with Orientation in Scriptwriting course at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). She is also a singer-­‐songwriter and will be releasing her second album in 2013.