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Born in the City of Buenos Aires in 1975, Llinás studied at the Universidad del Cine, where he still teaches. His work as director includes the documentary Balnearios (2002), the medium-­‐length The Most Beautiful Girl (2004) and the fictional film Extraordinary Stories (2008). In 2003 with Alejo Moguillansky, Agustín Mendilaharzu and Agustina Llambí Campbell he founded the group El Pampero Cine, which was subsequently joined by Laura Citarella. As a member of El Pampero, he produced the films Love (Part One) directed by Alejandro Fadel, Martín Mauregui, Santiago Mitre and Juan Schnitmann; Opus, directed by Mariano Donoso; the short film series New Argentine Silent Film (including his own work and works by Mendilaharzu and Ignacio Masllorens); Castro (2009) directed by Moguillansky; and Ostende (2011) directed by Citarella. He collaborated as a writer on the films Kidnap and Death by Rafael Filippelli and The Student by Santiago Mitre. He is currently shooting The Flower, his second fictional film, and producing the films of associates at El Pampero Cine.