Used to work as a producer of commercials. She was an integral part of Tony Petersen Film for over 18 years. In 2012, she produced her first documentary film and subsequently founded Jyoti Film in 2013, which focuses on international documentary co- productions, short films and digital projects. Anke is a graduate of the Documentary Campus Masterschool and a certified
environmental consultant. MY STOLEN PLANET (2024) coproduction with PakFilm Iran, Cat&Docs Distribution, Little Dream Pictures Cinema Distribution. World premiere @Berlinale Panorama. | 2nd Berlinale Panorama Audience Award | Golden Alexander @TIDF#26 Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival | Fipresci Award – Best Feature @Thessaloniki International Film Festival | German Documentary Film Music Award @ DOK.Fest München | Roman Brodmann Preis 2024 @ Haus des Dokumentarfilms | Audience Award @ Bolzano Film Festival | uvm. LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES (2021) coproduction with TS production France and Liman Film Turkey, Deckert Distribution | Special Jury Award 2021 @Visions du Réel | Human Rights Award Sarajewo | Turkish Critics Prize | uvm. HECTARIUM (2019-2022) mobile game prototype about the future of agriculture coproduction with Pupa Montréal with the support of Medienboard / CMF